Class 13 : Span of Management

Span of Control

One of the prime objectives of organizing process is to establish hierarchy. In simple terms hierarchy describes reporting structure-who is the superior and who are its subordinates. The next question to be asked in organizing process is determining an appropriate number of people to be reported to any given authority or superior.

The number of people who report to any given authority is called span of control.

For example : The span of control of our Principal is 7 HODs + 4 Deans + One Manager = 12

The span of control of our HOD is 24.

Experts vary in suggesting appropriate number for span of control. Some say the ideal number is 3-6 and some suggest as many as 20. Of course span of control depends on many factors such as nature of work, geograpgical spread of subordinates etc

Graicunus theory of span of control

According to him span of control must be determined by the following factors

  • Direct one-to-one relationships
  • Direct group relationships
  • Cross-relationships

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